19 Nov 2023

2023 Gender and Health Hub Virtual Forum

Evidence. Voice. Action: Catalysing Change for Gender and Health Equality

United Nations University – International Institute for Global Healt...+8 more
United Nations University – International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH), School of Public Health (SOPH) at the University of Western Cape in South Africa, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM), People’s Vaccine Alliance, Pandemic Action Network, African Regional Community of Practice on Gender and Health, PATH
5th, 6th, 7th DECEMBER 2023
5 Mins
Session Video Links
What you will learn
Join us for a special interactive, online event

The United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) is excited to invite you to the Gender and Health Hub Virtual Forum – 5th, 6th & 7th December 2023.

This year, the Virtual Gender and Health Hub Forum brings together our growing global network of policymakers, researchers, practitioners and thought leaders to spotlight key practice-based evidence in advancing gender equality in health, amplify voices from the Global South, and foster collective action to accelerate progress towards gender equality and universal health coverage.

Join us for 3 sessions over 3 days with ample time to share your ideas and expertise as we engage and reflect as a global community to advance gender and health.


About the event
  • Why now:
  • Polycrises have highlighted and exacerbated existing vulnerabilities in our health systems and further widened gender inequalities. As countries and communities continue to navigate ways forward, we must prevent complacency, ensuring the global health community makes good on its commitment to center gender and intersectional issues within health dialogues, decisions and investments. This requires filling knowledge gaps, advancing evidencebased practices and policies, and fostering collaborations and collective action
  • Purpose:
  • The focus of the 2023 Gender and Health Hub Virtual Forum is to spotlight advancements in the face of pushback and shrinking spaces on gender equality in health, foster knowledge sharing, and showcase evidence and lived experience in advancing gender equality in health. In doing so, we will highlight collective action to navigate the changing landscapes and accelerate progress towards gender equality and universal health coverage.



The United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) Gender and Health Hub (GHH) was established with the aim to bridge the gap between people, evidence, policy, and action and contribute to more evidence-based and better-resourced integration of gender in health policies and programmes. Since its Launch at the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UN CSW) in March 2021, the GHH has been dedicated to uniting technical expertise with political leadership and consolidating evidence-based solutions, amplifying lived experience and evidence from the global south to advance gender equality in the realm of health.

Over the past two years, we’ve made significant strides in the face of the evolving political landscapes, rapid technological advancements, and the emergence of complex crises impinging the equal rights for all. The focus of the 2023 Gender and Health Hub Forum is to spotlight advancements in the face of pushback and shrinking spaces, foster knowledge sharing, and showcase evidence and lived experience in advancing gender equality in health. In doing so, we will highlight collective action to navigate the changing landscapes and accelerate progress towards gender equality and universal health coverage.


Overall objectives

  • To drive transformative change in health through evidence-informed insights on gender and intersectional issues by sharing evidence, lessons, and fostering insights and dialogue to advance evidence translation to policy and practices for gender and health equality.
  • To galvanize collective voices for change by strengthening cross sectoral and regional networks within the gender and global health community while actively promoting feminist and intersectional approaches for meaningful collaboration.
  • To shape future actions for gender responsive research, policy and investments by actively engaging the global health community in identifying specific actions, establishing priorities, and exploring potential opportunities to inform decision-making.


Day 1, December 5th: Enhancing Gender Integration at Scale in Health: Promising Practices from Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia [Case Study Series Launch]

Objective: Provide a snapshot of and reflect on health programs led by or with substantial engagement with government to highlight gender integration in practice and at scale. To stimulate critical conversation around what works to integrate gender into government health programmes at policy, institutional and community levels


Download Concept Note – Session 1 (English)

Download Concept Note – Session 1 (Spanish)

Download Concept Note – Session 1 (French)

Day 2, December 6th: Digital Justice and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights


The webinar aims to bring evidence and policy considerations for a strong call for the adoption of social justice and rights-based framework related to the development, adoption, and implementation of digital technologies for the advancement of SRHR.


Download Concept Note – Session 2 (English)

Download Concept Note – Session 2 (Spanish)

Download Concept Note – Session 2 (French)

Day 3, December 7th: Reflections on Gender Equality and Health in the Time of Polycrises – Breaking Silos, Collective Action


To reflect on the gendered and overlapping impact of polycrises – pandemic, climate change, environmental degradation, political instability and war-on women, girls and gender diverse individuals and the measures being taken to address the disproportionate impact.


Download Concept Note – Session 3 (English)

Download Concept Note – Session 3 (Spanish)

Download Concept Note – Session 3 (French)

Aidil Iman Aidid
UNICEF Malaysia
Maria Kristine Josefina G. Balmes
Stellah Bosire
Deeb Shrestha Dango
Ipas Nepal
Aissa Diarra
Asha George
Kate Gilmore
Roopan Gill
Vitala Global Foundation
Mauro Cabral Grinspan
Global Action for Trans Equality
Sara Hossain
Jennifer Curry Josef
University of the Philippines
Naila Kabeer
Rajat Khosla
Lizzie Kiama
Ability Trust
Eszter Kismödi
Allan Maleche
Samuel Oti Oji
Fifa Rahman 
Matahari Global Solutions
Shreelata Rao Seshadri
Zahra Stardust
Nahid Toubia
IRHR Sudan, Independent Consultant
Sagri Singh
Johanna Riha
Session 1: Enhancing Gender Integration at Scale in Health
Session 2: Digital Justice and Sexual and Reproductive health and rights
Session 3: Reflections on Gender Equality and Health in the Time of Polycrises
Gender and Digital Health Webinar Series
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