01 Sep 2021

"The Power Of..." Think Piece and Podcast Series

United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (...+1 more
United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH)
About the Series
What you'll learn
Improving gender equality in global health

The ‘Power Of…’ think piece and podcast series aims to advance the discourse and critical analyses of contemporary issues related to gender equality in global health. The series centres around high-level findings from a major project which identified five key ingredients necessary for driving gender equality, both institutionally and programmatically, among UN agencies working in health.

The think piece and podcast series builds on these five successful ingredients, namely:

About the series
What is it about?

Each think piece reflects on a contemporary issue thematised around one of the five ingredients of success. Complimentary podcast episodes continue the conversation, with invited guests discussing and collectively exploring emerging themes from broader perspectives, all with the aim of ensuring that we play our part in creating more gender-equitable health systems.

Who is part of it?

Guests with diverse experiences and backgrounds, working at global, regional and national levels, share their insights on how to improve gender equality in global health speaking to themes related to each of the five ingredients. The series is produced by the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health.

Young South African woman sitting in concrete stairs, wearing a black apparel outfit

Gender norms and stereotypes affect not only our health needs, exposure to health risks, or health-seeking behaviour, but are also inextricably linked to health systems affecting how healthcare is delivered, the quality of care provided, who has access to it, how it is financed, as well as the policy and governance behind it all.

Dr. Johanna Riha, Research Fellow, UNU-IIGH
Read the Think Pieces and Listen to the Podcasts
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