- Developers and reviewers of national strategic plans
- Grant writers
- National authorities
- Civil society organisations
- Key stakeholders
In response to a need for more gender-transformative HIV responses, UNAIDS developed this Gender Assessment Tool (GAT) with a series of steps guiding users on how to address this gap. This includes a four-step process with guiding questions so that a gender lens is incorporated into efforts aiming to combat HIV.
A plan should be established including a gender assessment team, framework, and plan, with committed and multidisciplinary stakeholders. Then, the HIV epidemic context should be investigated with gender disaggregated data over time, and an insight to how gender inequality links with other inequalities in the region. Next, the national HIV response should be analysed to see whether gender equality is addressed in relevant policies, programmes, and budget allocations across all stages of the HIV response. Finally, these gender assessment results should be compiled to formulate gender-transformative HIV response-based plans.

The GAT enables users to learn the extent to which the national response recognises gender inequality as a key determinant of the trajectory of the HIV epidemic and then acts based on that recognition. This will help to ensure that the national HIV response has gender equality as a goal.
The four-step process includes: 1) establishing a strong, knowledgeable, and multidisciplinary team attuned to the need for a gender assessment, 2) gaining a contextual knowledge of the HIV epidemic, 3) understanding the current response, and 4) assessing this information through a gender-transformative lens in order to drive equitable responses.
Gender transformative approaches should affect the following levels: basic programme activities, critical enablers, and development synergy.
The eight areas of results of the UNAIDS Strategy 2016-2021 should also guide the formation of gender-transformative transformations.